Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Anonymous said...

ok, so that was kinda kick-ass, but where is Aquaman?

follow-up question...

if they can "just come up with" stuff like this, and/or make a movie about (*YAAWWN*) John Carter, then why have we not received an Aquaman movie yet?!?!?!

does DC still not get it after overall FAILING w/ Green Lantern?

...not to mention the Wonder Woman show?

the Green Arrow show doesn't look bad, but i'm sick of shows. just the fact that they're on the CW, CRAP station THAT is overall, makes us not want to watch it.

GIVE US GOOD MOVIES, or further fall behind Marvel.

...or, rather, DISNEY.

Jim said...

My point exactly - this could have been an Aquaman movie!