Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Really, dude?
*Pics is promo art, not an actual series.... I think.


Anonymous said...

And the feet are still conspicuously hidden! Maybe zombie feet are just as hard to draw for Rob.

Anonymous said...

a rip off of a rip off, only like ten years later

who cares?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I really never got the whole "zombie" fascination thing. seriously Why does everyone love zombies so much. wtf?

Anonymous said...

the Marvel Zombie variant thang was fun at first but quickly outwore its welcome.

This, however, is just pathetic that he's copying a Marvel event from last year. Then again, it is Liefeld who has yet produce a single original, non-swiped idea. He should start up yet another studio co-run with David Mack and Greg Land.

Oh, and I love zombies so I get the fascination... to a degree. They've always been B or C-level movie "villains" which was part of the appeal. Since they have become "mainstream", they haven't been quite as cool and kitchy, I think.