Thursday, December 07, 2006


APOCALYPTO hits theaters this weekend!
I, for one, cannot freaking wait!!!! Ancient Mayan story spoken in original dialect with subtitles and no European characters? I've been waiting for a [American] film like this my entire life! I know I'm setting myself up, but I'm hoping this gets the "JimSmash Best Film of 2006." We'll see soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with Apocolypto (which I can't wait to see..), but today is the aniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This one day has sent a rippling effect throughout the world and history. America was pulled into WWII, tipping the balance, and ending the Nazi Threat. The Atomic Bomb was created (and hasn't been used since) in an effort to win the war, and lead us into the Nuclear age. The rise of Communism, and the fragmentation of a country (Germany) ensued. And as a result, of pooling the worlds finest minds together, We rocketed ( no pun intended) technology into a new age, leading to the space race, and the landing on the moon. all typs of medical and scientific advances, and Political agenda's came as a result of this one Day in History.

-nice article.

everyone have a good night, see ya tomorrow.......