Monday, March 20, 2006


Apparently, my visual joke in the Superboy DVD post flew by many.
I had placed Brandon Routh's head (the new Superman) over the Superboy's body on the dvd. Anyway, take a look and contrast/compare. Click on the image to enlarge. I know I sound like a Purist here, but come on - Routh does NOT look like SuperMAN. Give him maybe 8 years and then ok, I could see him as Superman. But let him go through Puberty first, damnit!! Christopher Reeve LOOKED not only like Superman but an adult male as well.; a MAN. This kid looks like a Metrosexual college kid in a Superman costume. He'd be a GREAT Superboy, tho! Look, if this was "SUPERMAN BEGINS" where we see Clark first make his appearance at a young age, then ok... I could go with it. But no, this is "SUPERMAN RETURNS" which is supposed to take place 6 years AFTER Superman II (Director Bryan Singer's words, not mine!). So in 6 years, Superman de-aged by 10? Don't get me started on this stuff... like Lois Lane, who has been cast by a 22 year old, who in the movie has a 6yr old son. Whuh? Do the math. Getting back to my grumpy Routh Rant.... Superman is an American ICON and therefore there are some rules and responsibilities when handling him. You wouldn't make a Mickey Mouse movie and change his look would you? "Well, we thought we'd make Mickey a GRAY RABBIT instead. But it's still Mickey Mouse!" No, not really.

Seriously, why couldn't they have cast someone that looked more along the lines of ALEX ROSS' vision of Superman? His rendition is fucking awesome.

Don't worry, this won't be my last rant about this subject matter, heh. With all this said, I will still try to keep an open mind whenever I see the film. Maybe Singer will prove me wrong. Honestly,
I truly hope so. But my heart is telling me I'm going to walk out on it.


Anonymous said...

you know, seeing that Routh guy next to the superboy image really does put it in perspective. he does look rather boyish and small framed, especially against those big dude painting images.

Jason said...

Still haven't seen Superman Returns, for reasons that you mentioned. And Alex Ross is one of the most talented artists to come around in a long time.